Rüdiger C. Olschowy, Managing Partner
Rüdiger C. Olschowy, is a diploma certified tradesman (University Degree, Diploma in Business Administration & Organization), known since 1991 as being a self-employed entrepreneur who also became active in the investment sector since 1999.
In collaboration he was a founding member and a business-leading proprietor at the companies known under the names as GAM GmbH (Consulting und Interim Management) and the Alta Vista Equity Partner GmbH & Co. KG (Venture Capital Fond). Later he had the position as a leading board director at a leading investment company. In the recent years he has initiated and managed -jointly with partners - five international Private Equity Funds. Since 2013 he used to manage Separate Accounts, partially in collaboration with international partners, located in MENA, Europe and Turkey.
He is a distinguished expert in the high-tech industrial sector, but also on issues surrounding the potentials of expansion relating to small and medium sized businesses. He has gathered his valuable experiences during a time span of more than 30 years by working for international industrial companies (General Management, Marketing, Sales, Financing), as well as his 22 years where he has been acting as an investor in and investment manager of small and medium sized enterprises and lastly also his 20 years of functioning within various board management and advisory committee positions at medium sized enterprises (private and publicly listed).